Farm Build

It’s build day at The Harmony Lab + Apothecary.

Jordan Ruiz Getty

So super grateful for this maker community in the mountains, upstate NY. When everything is breaking down in the matrix of an outdated and unjust paradigm, feels so good to build a grassroots vision for a New Paradigm with the assistance of some of the dopest beings around.

I AM Lady Greenthumbs

I started this blog in 2010, when blogs were a thing, as I was transitioning out of a decade of Brand Dev, Marketing and PR. A very poignant time in my journey as I officially left the NYC rat race to walk my path as a healer and step out from behind the desk.

A few years leading up to this blog’s birth in 2010, I was inspired by one of the video games I was working on, Gardening Mamma, to grow some food on my rooftop in Brooklyn, yearning to be closer to my own grow, in real life – not a digital game/sim. (Or perhaps irl is a sim, and we’re actually in a video game… hmmmm… other topics for other days)

2008-2010 was also the time social media facebook groups were getting big for Consumer Products and Technology companies and I decided to take on the persona of the main character in the video game, Gardening Mama and host a FB group… I got so into it and it really birthed the Greenthumb Geek I AM, outside of my earliest greenthumb geek inspiration, mi alma, mi corazon, grandma Marion, and naturally, Pachamama who I’ve been ‘working with’ (flipping energetics) since I was little.

And so, I was persona: Gardening Mama at my agency during the day and out of office was moonlighting with healers and shamans while also farming on my rooftop in Brooklyn, around the corner from Grand Army Plaza and Prospect Park. A weird and magickal time.

While I was excited by this specific project I also began to get really overwhelmed by a life that I had created for myself in the agency world that no longer suited me. Greenthumbing and initiations into ‘healing’ tapped me into my Truth in a deeper way.

I could no longer sit behind a desk, even if video game PR was quite a trip. I was a healer since I was little, I was ready to stop fronting. I am also a dirt and Earth warrior, and no better expression than to work with her and honor her by growing food and living for a more sustainable future both within and without. So in 2008-2010 at the onset of businesses using Social Media I felt everything starting pick up in the matrix/world because of it and – I WANTED OUT OF THE RAT RACE… So I walked my truth…. I was a psychic, intuitive, healer behind a desk? Duh, GET OUT! Walk your path. Do you.

Continue reading “I AM Lady Greenthumbs”

Marigold: Army of the Garden + #MondayMeditation

Wherever we grow, Marigold always takes root and anchors in the garden, energetically.
In a physical sense, Marigold is the silent army of the garden as it produces what is known as alpha-terthienyl, a substance that suppresses nematodes, which are microscopic worms that attack the roots of plants.
Strong roots = successful garden.
Plant around the border of beds and crops.
Through our wellness practice at The Harmony Lab, we suggest Calendula and Marigold often, where applicable, depending on the person’s constitution and way. It’s very powerful medicine and multi usage. For example, can be used internally for cramps and coughs, and topically for sunburn, eczema and so much more.
One of our favorite times of the year is when the marigolds begin to bloom, and it’s not because they are edible and delicious… Just about 3-4 days before they start deading, we like to pluck them… and here is why…


Besides simple style “seated meditation”, my favorite way to “go in” and activate a meditative state is to make flower garlands, string flowers. A sure way to access the magic of consciousness and get in under the mind’s chatter with the intoxicating smell of a flower, the vibration of it’s design and presence.
Warning. The interaction can be a wonderful opening and can be especially activating and intoxicating, if you let it. Plus, afterwards you will have a stunning and precious garland imbued with all the goodness that you are.
Try it sometime. Cut the stems off your flower stalks. Use needled (embroidery needles work) fishing “wire” to puncture through the center of the bud and string away to desired length!
 photo: ©Marisa Calderon/Lady Greenthumbs

ROOT MEDICINE: Turmeric + a Healing Brew

Nature is brilliant. Such a diverse and impressive Farmacy.  Roots, herbs, medicine foods, essences….

Turmeric Milk

I work with Turmeric/Curcumin on a daily basis and it’s one of the widest used roots amongst my clients right now. The effects are palpable. Infinite benefits (kind of how I feel about Coconut Oil and Lemon).

Curcumin, the main active ingredient in turmeric, has VERY STRONG anti-inflammatory effects and is a powerful antioxidant. The benefits of Turmeric have been known to surpass anti-inflammatories, anti-depressants, chemo, pain killers, arthritis meds, IBS meds and so much more.

Turmeric is a true wonder root. So grateful for these little rhizome nobules of awesome.


Continue reading “ROOT MEDICINE: Turmeric + a Healing Brew”